
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rossi is back, Laguna Seca is here, Catalunya, Lorenzo and AutoMotoPhoto have an update!

I promise, I'll get this together and add more meat and potatoes after each weekend.
But for now, I'm home, at home, in my own house, for Laguna Seca. The treat for me is being able to simply drive to the racetrack, and come home each evening.  At home.
So many people think this job is glamorous, or "living the dream" as some like to say, but in all honesty it's a job like any other job, but one of choice, or maybe it is necessity.  For example, Tom Houseworth and Gregg Wood, who are Crew Chief and super sexy guy in the garage respectively, haven't been home for over 52 days.  Now in a military sense, that's nothing, but in civvy street, that can be a long time.  Thankfully we have so many ways to communicate with the ones we love, but nothing beats being there.
Catalunya, was a hoot.  With David Emmett from Motomatters
(and we'd be joined at the weekend by his lovely wife).  Nadia and Katerina from Intramoto, a Russian motorcycle racing new website, throw in a lovely house in Badalona, some funky German transport (an E Class Mercedes) and some (sometimes too) warm weather, we had the perfect week.
So this little blog update is for those who miss home, be they racers or those who look after the racer, their families, military folk, whoever, trust me it's nice to be home, and I'm really looking forward to being able to cover a race weekend, and then come home to my own bed.
To round off this blog, picture #11 of #11 of my limited edition print is being auctioned off for the Day of Stars at Laguna Seca tomorrow at 4pm, at turn 4. There are still 3 more copies left to buy, and then that it's..just go here. On a cool fun note, and not that it's anything important on the grand scale of things, but I'm very grateful that over 2000 people think I'm worthy of their support.  For that I am very grateful, and I hope to add more value to your "like-ship" in the weeks to come. To see more visit Andrew Wheeler - AutoMotoPhoto "Like" page on Facebook.
Again, my apologies for the brevity.  I have a pork loin that's roasting.  Stay tuned….

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